food for the

black man’s soul

victoria regina


About the Book

Food For The Black Man's Soul

This book has been written to and for the edification of Black men; to support them to a legacy in a world that gets to be re-educated to their significance and the fact that they are worthy of praise. Encouraging these men to continue to live in their magnificence, their strength and their kingship. 
Through this book we sound off with love, excitement and joy for all that they are and all that they shall continue to be. We shall celebrate Black men as they are the foundation of what is great in the world.


Book Release

Coming Soon…

About the author

I AM Victoria Regina. I am mommy (or mom) to six children and Grandmommy to eight grandchildren. I live in Southern California. I’ve embraced a few professions but my absolute favorite and enjoyable one was being a lifeguard from my teens into my 30's. I love everything that is fresh fun and new. I love my people and believe we all need that absolutely groundbreaking positive input. I have been writing since my teens and was offered a mentorship by a Hollywood writer while still in high school. I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend and work with anyone who might need help to reach their highest potential. I hope to make a positive difference in people's lives and here is my first step into their and my own greatness.